Happy Kiss Day Quotes in Hindi English Marathi Bengali Punjabi 2018

Happy Kiss Day Quotes in Hindi English Marathi Bengali Punjabi 2018
Are you looking for Happy Kiss Day Quotes in Hindi English Marathi Bengali Punjabi 2018? Then you are at the right place here we have the best collection among the internet where you have multiple options to go for every kind of post likes sms wishes images poems Shayari greeting cards status and in this post here we come up with the status that you are looking for that special person in your life and Make sure you choose the best out of here an make her feel so special.
- डोळ्यातल्या स्वप्नाला…
कधी प्रत्यक्षातही आण !
किती प्रेम करतो तुझ्यावर,
हे न सांगताही जाण !!! 🙂
Happy Valentine’s Day
- पाहशील जिथे जिथे नजर उचलून…
मीच असेल उभा ओठांवर स्मित घेऊन आलेत कधी जर तुझ्या डोळ्यात दुखांचे अश्रू….
तुला सुखाचे आनंदाश्रू तिथे तिथे देऊन…….!!! Happy Valentine’s Day!
- तुझ्या प्रेमाचा रंग तो
अजूनही बहरत आहे. 🙂
शेवटच्या क्षणा पर्यंत….
मी फक्त तुझीच आहे !!! 😉
Happy Valentine’s Day!
- दाटून आलेल्या संध्याकाळी,
अवचित ऊन पडतं…..
तसंच काहीसं पाऊल न वाजवता,
आपल्या आयुष्यात प्रेम येतं !
Happy Valentine’s Day!
- दाटून आलेल्या संध्याकाळी,
अवचित ऊन पडतं…..
तसंच काहीसं पाऊल न वाजवता,
आपल्या आयुष्यात प्रेम येतं !
Happy Valentine’s Day!
- पाहशील जिथे जिथे नजर उचलून…
मीच असेल उभा ओठांवर स्मित घेऊन 🙂
आलेत कधी जर तुझ्या डोळ्यात दुखांचे अश्रू….
तुला सुखाचे आनंदाश्रू तिथे तिथे देऊन…….!!!
Happy Valentine’s Day!
- पाहशील जिथे जिथे नजर उचलून…
मीच असेल उभा ओठांवर स्मित घेऊन 🙂
आलेत कधी जर तुझ्या डोळ्यात दुखांचे अश्रू….
तुला सुखाचे आनंदाश्रू तिथे तिथे देऊन…….!!!
Happy Valentine’s Day
- तुझ्या प्रेमाचा रंग तो…
अजूनही बहरत आहे. 🙂
शेवटच्या क्षणा पर्यंत….
मी फक्त तुझीच आहे !!! 😉
Happy Valentine’s Day!
- एक थेंब अळवावरचा,
मोत्याचं रुप घेउन मिरवतो.
एक थेंब तुझ्या ओठांवरचा
माझं जग मोत्यांनी सजवतो.
- रात्री आकाश ओसंडुन
गेले होते तार्यांनी,
मी तुला शोधत उभा तर
वेड्यात काढले मला सार्यांनी!
- माझे सोन्याचे आभाळ,
माझी सोनेरी संध्याकाळ…
सये माझ्या गळ्यातली
सोनियाची तु माळ…
- कधी सांजवेळी
मला आठवूनी
तुझ्या भोवताली
जराशी वळूनी
पाहशील का???
Happy Kiss Day Quotes in Hindi English Marathi Bengali Punjabi 2018
lovely Kisss lovely u and lovely r the things u do but the lovliest is the friendship of the two one is me and other is u ,,”happy Kiss day”
The Kiss Speaks of Love Silently, in a language known only to the Heart. Happy Kiss Day!
A Bunch of Red Kisss signifies deep love & respect for you my love. Friends for Ever Sweatheart!!
A Single Kiss for u for being in my life,Thank you so mush to complete my Life.
Bunch of Red Kiss for my true love I can’t live without you “I love you”.
My eyes are blind without your eyes to see, similar to a Kiss without color. Love you forever .
Every night when I look at the moon, it reminds me of you, how you can see the same moon. It makes me sometimes sad because I can see the moon, but I can´t see you. Happy Kiss Day!
24hrs make a lovely day, 7 days make a lovely week, 52 weeks make a lovely year & knowing a person like me will make ur life lovely. Have a lovely Kiss day n life!
The Kiss Speaks of Love Silently, in a language known only to the Heart. Happy Kiss Day! Kiss day love SMS
Sweeter than the candies lovelier than the red Kisss more huggable than soft toys that’s what you’re
here’s wishing you a Kiss Day that’s as special as you’re
Hope you like our message, Wishes in this article. Do not forget to share this article in your friend circle.
Fragrance can be defined without Kiss. But, Friendship can’t be defined without YOU. Happy Kiss Day
If A Perfumed Kiss Touches Your Face, If Your Mobile Dances On A Nice Tone, Remember Its Me Trying To Say You
Since love first made the breast an instrument Of fierce lamenting, by its flame my heart Was molten to a mirror, like a Kiss I pluck my breast apart that I may hang This mirror in your sight.
With this Kiss, I reveal all my thoughts and feelings about you that I have withheld for so long. I feel when I am with you… I am like a Kiss, not because of it?s beauty, but because I am able to bloom and grow with you…
Love can be expressed in many ways. One way I know is to send it across the distance to the person who is reading this. Happy Kiss Day!
Sweeter than the candies lovelier than the red Kisss more huggable than soft toys that’s what you’re here’s wishing you a Kiss Day that’s as special as you’re.
Any 1 can love a Kiss. But no 1 will love a leaf that. made the Kiss. dont love some one who is beautiful but love the one who can make ur life beatiful. Happy Kiss Day
Apke Hotho Par Sada Khilta Gulab Rahe, Khuda Na Kare Aap Kabhi Udas Rahe, Hum Apke Pas Chahe Rahe Na Rahe, Aap Jinhe Chahe Woh Sada Apke Pas Rahe. happy Kiss day
A Kiss doesn’t means for proposing love It also means R- Rare O- Ones S- Supporting E- Entire life.
“Kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous..”
– Ingrid Bergman

Happy Kiss Day Quotes in Hindi English Marathi Bengali Punjabi 2018

Happy Kiss Day Quotes in Hindi English Marathi Bengali Punjabi 2018
Happy Kiss Day Quotes in Hindi English Marathi Bengali Punjabi 2018

Happy Kiss Day Quotes in Hindi English Marathi Bengali Punjabi 2018

Happy Kiss Day Quotes in Hindi English Marathi Bengali Punjabi 2018
Lekhok Hote Hole Kalomer Jor Lage.
Rajniti Bid Hote Hole Golar Jor Lage.
R Sotti Korer Premik Hote Hole Moner Jor Lage..
Jokhon Ghum Ase. Tokhon Sopno Ase,
Jokhon Swapno Ase. Tokhon Tumi Asho,
R Jokon Tumi Asho. Tokhon Ghum Ashe Na..
Valo Lage Meghe Dhaka Sopner Jal Bunte.
Valo Lage Nil Akaser Rangdhanu Khujte.
Valo Lage Jodi 2mi Amay Kchse Daakle…
R Valo Lagee Jodi Amay Mone Tumi Rakhle.
Jato Bhalobasa Peyechi 2mar Kach Thake;
Dustu Ei Mon Chai Aro Besi Pete;
Ki Jani 2mar Modhe Ki Achhe;
Ei Mon Sudhu Chai 2mak Aro Besi Kache Pete.
Chena Prithibe Achena Lage, Likechi Kobita 2mar Naame,
Jochona Akase Bristi Jhore,
Vijechi Ami 2mar e Preme!!
Pakhi bole… ‘Dhorona amai “
Gach bole… ‘Ketona amai.. “
Ful bole… ‘chirona amai.. “
Mon bole… ‘vengona ami..
R Ami boli… “vule jeo na amay”
Amar hridoyer khub govire rekheci tumay joton kore
Jekhane sudhui tomar boshobash
Ei hridoye tumi amr ekti nil akash
Tai shei hridoyer majkhane chirodin tumi theko
Sudhui amar jonno tumar hridoye ektu valobasha rekho!
********************************************************************************Bochor ghure aschey abar valobasha dibosh
Moner kotha ujar kore korbo tomay prokash
Je kotha-ti bolbo bole ajo opekkhay achi
Bondhu tomay Hridoy theke onek valobashi.
Aaj mon khusite urte chay akashe
Pakhider sathe sathe ghurte chay batashe
Valobashar akashe dilam mele dana
ojanar deshe jabo korbe na keu mana.
*******************************************************************************Manush jibone Dukkho, Koshto, Sukh, Sopno
Asha, Opoman sob vulte pare.
But ekta jinish kokhono vulte parena
R seta holo “Real Love!”
Tumar Jodi valo lage bhorer Oi akash
Tobe tumi shur melau pakhir mishti gaane
Tumar Jodi valo lage meghla Oi akash
Tobe tumi mon ke vasau megher velay
Tumar Jodi valo lage raater Oi akash
Tobe tumi hariye jau oi tarar mela
Tumar Jodi valo lage Sudhui amay
Tobe tumi Chupi chupi janiye diyo Tumar isharay..!
********************************************************************************Nirjone boshe achi eka
bujhbe na tumi amar moner betha
valobasar oporade hoy jodi fashi
tobuo bolbo ami tomay valobasi.
Jodi Valobasar Ortho Hoy tumake Shara Din Miss Kora
Tobe Ami Valobasi Tomakei
Jodi Valobasar Ortho Hoy Chokh Bondo kore Tumar Chobi Canvasar Moto Fute utha
Tobe Valobashi Tumakei
jodi Valobasar Ortho Hoy Tumar Smritite Shara Din Dub Mere Thaka
Tobe valobasi Sudhui Tumakei!
Finally, the blog has come to an end and we are very happy that you loved and read the whole blog content.If you liked our blog and all the wishes then do share it on the social media with your friend and family and let them also make their valentines week more beautiful and memorable.
We are sure that you are also in love with someone that special person who is the reason for you smile, now you remember her or him right then why are you late, Go and celebrate Valentines Day by sending some Romantic Valentines Day Quotes, Valentines Day Messages, Happy Valentines Day Images to that special person in your life.
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