Happy Kiss Day Lines for Girlfriend Boyfriend in 2018|Husband Wife College friend

Happy Kiss Day Lines for Girlfriend Boyfriend in 2018|Husband Wife College friend
Are you looking for Happy Kiss Day Lines for Girlfriend Boyfriend in 2018|Husband Wife College friend? Then you are at the right place here we have the best collection among the internet where you have multiple options to go for every kind of post likes sms wishes images poems .
Lets start the blog:
Happy Kiss Day Lines for Girlfriend Boyfriend in 2018|Husband Wife College friend
my sweet valentine ❤️
I want to wish you a KISS day
By giving a sweet KISS on your cheeks
Happy kiss day
My eyes are eager to see you,
My ears are eager to listen you,
My lips are eager to kiss you,
And my dreams in night are eager to welcome you.
I am sending you,
A flying lip kiss,
On this kiss day,
Please accept my dear valentine.
Happy kiss day.
Every bird cannot dance,
But peacock do it
Every friend can not reach my heart,
But you did it
Every Flower can not express love,
But Kiss do it.
Thoughts and feelings about you…
that I have withheld for so long….
I feel when I am with you… I am like a Kiss,
not because of it?s beauty….
but because I am able to bloom and grow with you…
Kiss is lovely Romantic ❤️trick & Golden opportunity to express your l❤️ve with sweet gesture
So Dear…I just wanna play this Romantic Trick on you and wish you Happy Kiss Day ❤️
Looking at your Lipswas OK.. but Feeling them on mine was AMAZING!!❤️
Happy Kiss Day
I remember the first day ☝️
You kissed me on my lips
Please KISS me again
On this KISS day to rememorize
My memory on this kiss day
Happy kiss day
Ur Kiss Came As A Surprise,
Sometimes Remarkable,
Sometimes Sensational.. U
Unlocked My Sealed Lips And I
Would Allow U To Do It Again!
Happy Kiss Day
If you Got the Butterflies in ur Stomach…, it’s Just Bcs I blew the Kiss in the air…to Reach Safely on ur Lips..
if i could bring back Memories
i would bring the first day i kissed u
i look u in the eyes and felt love.. thanks god an angel came into my life!
After a KISS….Girl Silently Says 2 The Boy’KISS Me Once Again And I Will Be Yours Forever’
Boy- Thanks For The Warning !!
Q1:-What is kiss?
Kiss is the shortest distance b/w two lips.
IN PHYSICS=It is a process to charging a human body.
IN COMPUTER=Kiss is a local area Net Work in which 2 bodies r connected without any data cable.
IN ECO.=Kiss is a process in which demand is always higher than supply…..
Happy kiss day!
Snd this kiss 2 evryfrnd, even me and if u gt bck
1-u r ok
3-ppl rmbr u
5-u r hot
6-ur luvd bysm1 deeply.
Sardar- I kiss my wife before i go to office everyday. & you?
Friend- I kiss ur wife after u go to office every day.
Sardar-Ha…Ha…but i’m first…!…
I Dream Only Of You,
I Breathe Only For You,
My Every Prayer Is For You,
I Need No One Else In My Life But You.
Happy Kiss Day
Love Is Teasing,
Love Is Pleasing,
Love Can Break Your Heart,
But I Would Rather Risk It
All Than For Us To Ever Be Apart.
Happy Kiss day
“Where should one use perfume?”
a young woman asked.
“Wherever one wants to be kissed,”
I said.
Happy Kiss Day
Love you, as I always do,
Kiss me, as I care for you,
I have never seen heaven my dear,
But I can live in hell with you.
Happy Kiss Day
When I saw you, I was afraid to meet you…
When I met you, I was afraid to kiss you…
When I kissed you, I was afraid to love you…
Now that I love you, I’m afraid to lose you.
Lovely Kiss day
Kiss Spread Germs
Kisses Spread Germs.
Germs Are Hated…
Come On Baby Kiss Me,
Because I M Vaxinated :* :*
Happy Valentine’s Kiss Day
Proposing u was my desire
having u is my jackpot
loving u is my attitude
pleasing u is my duty
missing u is my habit
kissing u is my wish
together forever my fulfillment.
That first kiss said I LOVE YOU,
The next said i’ll be there,
the third said i’m yours always.
My heart replied, I LOVE YOU TOO,
And then i’ll never leave,
The third kiss said it all…
Happy Kiss Day
U r sweeter than honey. purer than milk. softer than flower. since i have u as my lover, come to me near, i’ll kiss ur lips without fear. u’ll say, having u is treasure & be wit me for ever… Happy Kiss Day!
- Kiss Day Poem for Girlfriend & Boyfriend for 2018
- Kiss Day Poem for Girlfriend & Boyfriend for 2018
- Happy Kiss Day Lines for Girlfriend Boyfriend in 2018|Husband Wife College friend
- Kiss Day SMS in Hindi for 2018
Happy Kiss Day Lines for Girlfriend Boyfriend in 2018|Husband Wife College friend
Will you love me in December as you do in May,
Will you love me in the good old fashioned way?
When my hair has all turned gray,
Will you kiss me then and say,
That you love me in December as you do in May?
Happy Kiss Day!
Dear customer!
your kiss balance is getting low!!
Please get somebody and recharge ur balance now!
You have 2 free kiss, and 3 minutes hug
will be expired on 14th February
Life is nothing without LOVE,
LoVE is emotion & Kiss is practical,
don’t get emotional yaar just b practical
so STOP loving and START Kissing..
Happy Kiss Day
My love for you grows more with each passing day,
The thought of your gorgeous face takes my breath away:
Those brown eyes fill my soul with happiness,
Those luscious lips I love to kiss.
Happy Kiss Day
How did it happen that our lips came together?
How does it happen that birds sing,
that snow melts, that the rose unfolds, that the dawn whitens
behind the shapes of trees on the quivering summit of the hill?
A kiss, and all was said…
Happy Kiss Day
KISS is purely organic and naturally sweet,
has no artificial ingredients and
is 100% wholesome.
Here’s one for you.
Happy Kiss Day
If luvin’ was against the law,
and kissin’ was a crime,
i would gladly spend my life with u,
in prison doin’ it all the time…
Happy Kiss Day
“I Cant Taste My Lips
Could You Do it For Me…?? Please..”
Happy Kiss Day To All
When I was a young man and never been kissed
I got to thinking over what I had missed
Got me a girl and I kissed her and then
Oh, Lord, I kissed her again
Oh….. kisses sweeter than wine
Oh….. kisses sweeter than wine..
Happy Kiss day
Love is heat.
You are sweet.
When two Lips are meet.
Love is complete..
Happy kiss Day
Kisses blown are kisses wasted. kisses are not kisses unless they are tasted. kisses spread germs and germs are hated. but you can kiss me baby i am vaccinated..
Happy Kiss Day
Take, O take, those lips away
That so sweetly were forsworn
And those eyes, the break of day
Lights that do mislead the morn
But my kisses bring again
Bring again
Seals of love but sealed in vain
Sealed in vain!
Happy Kiss Day
Let me feast of your love and of your lips
for I am in love with you.
Let me always kiss your mouth…eyes…
all of you…
Happy Kiss Day
If a kiss was a raindrop i’d send u showers.
If a hug was a second i’d send u hours.
If a smile was water i’d send u a sea.
If love was a person i’d send u me…..
Happy Kiss day.
A first kiss is likely to be one of your most vivid memories
What Our Lips Are Telling Us. Think Deeply
Happy Kiss Day..
If you are ever in doubt as to whether or not to kiss a pretty
girl, always give her the benefit of the doubt,….
Happy kiss Day.
Yet each man kills the thing he loves,
By each let this be heard,
Some do it with a bitter look,
Some with a flattering word.
The coward does it with a kiss,
The brave man with a sword!
Happy Kiss Day
Love is the name,
Kiss is the game,
Forget the name,
Lets play the game..
Happy Kiss day
“Young women usually get less satisfaction than
they hoped from a kiss, although many men do
not appear to notice”.. Happy Kiss Day
My Kiss is red, Ur eyes r blue,
You love me, and I love u.
Happy Kiss day.
Happy Kiss day best frnd
may ur life b full of all
love nd happiness
without any thorns..
wishing u a happy Kiss day… 🙂
Believe me, you re the one,
Whom my heart finds,
Whom my mind reminds me of,
Whom my destiny wants,
Whom i love the most.
‘In the Flower, My Kiss is U.
In the Diamond, My Kohinoor is U.
In the Sky, My Moon is U.
I’m only Body, My Heart is U.
Thats Y i always Miss You !!’
’24hrs make a lovely day,
7 days make a lovely week,
52 weeks make a lovely year & knowing a
person like me will make ur life lovely.
Have a lovely day n life!
Kiss Day Sms.
TaLk 2 me wHen i’m boReD,
kiSS me wHen i’m saD,
hug me wHen i cRy,
caRe 4 me wHen i diE, loVe me When i’m sTill Alive…
Happy Kiss Day
- Happy Kiss Day Lines for Girlfriend Boyfriend in 2018|Husband Wife College friend
- Happy Kiss Day Wishes for Husband for 2018
- Happy Kiss Day Lines for Girlfriend Boyfriend in 2018|Husband Wife College friend
- Happy Kiss Day Lines for Girlfriend Boyfriend in 2018|Husband Wife College friend
- Happy Kiss Day Lines for Girlfriend Boyfriend in 2018|Husband Wife College friend
- Happy Kiss Day Lines for Girlfriend Boyfriend in 2018|Husband Wife College friend
- Kiss Day SMS in Hindi for 2018
- Happy Kiss Day Lines for Girlfriend for 2018
So Guys, Here we end our blog post with the most important note that Kiss day is one of the turning point in your relationship as it is the first step towards getting more into each other and taking your relationship to the next level.
Choose your words very carefully and plan your date on some special place to make her feel more special and hope you enjoy your kiss day and have a lovely valentines week..
Stay tuned here for more updates.
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