In the Modern world, everyone should be treated equally.
There are black girls all over the world who face racism and are bullied in one way or the other.
It doesn’t matter where you are from. You can be from any part of the world and from a diverse ethnicity. You should be treated with respect and equality.
African American community is very big in the United States of America. According to Eric Thomas, a motivational speaker, ” There is still racism in the US and there will be racism in the country till the day I die”, he said during a motivational speech where he was a keynote speaker.
This article to dedicated to all the African American girls who still face racism and are bullied. There will be a lot Black Girl Quotes in here that will encourage and empower you when you read them. I suggest read them every morning to make yourself strong.
Black Girl Quotes
“God made me this way so I have to be happy with who I am. And it’s a journey. And I embrace my brown skin sisters. I love them and I hope that they embrace me.” –Kym WhitleyClick To Tweet
“Defining myself, as opposed to being defined by others, is one of the most difficult challenges I face.” – Carol Moseley-BraunClick To Tweet
See what these Black Girl Quotes are trying to say here. These quotes are telling you to accept yourself and to believe in yourself. It doesn’t matter what color your skin is. It doesn’t matter what others think of you. These Black Woman power quotes are simple but so empowering that you will start seeing the world differently. Further I have some Strong Black Woman quote.
Strong Black Woman Quote
“Sometimes, I feel discriminated against, but it does not make me angry. It merely astonishes me. How can any deny themselves the pleasure of my company? It’s beyond me.” – Zora Neale HurstonClick To Tweet
“Stop comparing skin tones. Who cares if your skin is lighter or darker than the person standing next to you? Change can only happen once you can truthfully look in the mirror and love that Deep Chocolate, Mocha, or Caramel complexion.” –Alicia D. LoveClick To Tweet
“…In the history of television and even in film, I’ve never seen a character like Annalise Keating played by someone who looks like me. My age, my hue, my sex. She is a woman who absolutely culminates the full spectrum of humanity our askew sexuality, our askew maternal instincts. She’s all of that, and she’s a dark-skin black woman.” –Viola Davis
“Whether light, whether dark, whether mixed, there’s only one of you. Don’t waste your time thinking that you’re not good enough. Don’t waste your time thinking that you’re ugly. Don’t waste your time because somebody else is thinking the same thing. If you’re thinking you’re beautiful, you can pass it off to someone else.” –Robin Tavares-Russell
All the young black girls who are being bullied because of their skin color, read the above Black Girl Quotes. Read them and feel them. Don’t let anyone tell you that you are lesser than anyone else. You are a strong & independent black woman these quotes will help you recognize that. Further up we have Black Girl Quotes about Love.
Black Girl Quotes about Love
“I’m an Exquisite Black Queen! I like, love, and celebrate myself. I don’t fit society’s beauty standards, but I’m beautiful to me. I know my worth and I respect who I am as a woman. I’ve got beauty on the inside and that makes me empowered and powerful. I’m fearless and comfortable in my own skin. I’ve got flaws, but I’m still confident! This Queen right here is flawed yet phenomenal, valuable and unique!”
Stephanie Lahart
“Black Girls… Stop settling for less than what you deserve. That’s why I stress self-love! There comes a time when you can no longer blame a man. You’ve got to hold yourself accountable for the choices that you make. Choose wisely! Slow down. Pay attention. Don’t allow his good looks and swag to blind you from the truth. Don’t be so easily flattered by money, cars, jewelry, and all of that other stuff. Your heart and well-being is worth much more than that. Choose someone who respects, loves, and adores you. Somebody who has your best interest at heart. Nothing less! Allow yourself to experience REAL love. Stop giving your love, time, and attention to men who clearly don’t deserve it. #ItsAllUpToYou”
Stephanie Lahart
“Melanin is an incomparable beauty. From the lightest to the darkest skin tone, Black women and Black girls are exquisite beauty in every shade. Yes, Black females have that special something that just can’t be ignored. We are Melanin Queens, beautifully created! Respect the complexion.”
Stephanie Lahart
“No, I’m NOT Team Light Skin. No, I’m NOT Team Dark Skin. No, I’m NOT Team Brown Skin. I’m Team Melanin because we are one! I’m a Black Queen that celebrates ALL shades of Black beauty. Black women and Black girls are equally beautiful in EVERY shade. Our skin tones are Exquisite Beauty. Respect the complexion!”
Stephanie Lahart
Stephanie Lahart has shown a lot of self belief and self love in these Black Girl Quotes about Love. You need to understand your self worth. You need to understand that you are a Exquisite Black Queen. Understand that you are important and you will get to know your value once you start loving yourself. It is not selfish to think about yourself. You can’t live your life to please everyone and you can’t live your life according to others. Further up we have Beautiful Black Woman quote.
Beautiful Black Woman Quote
“When a man tells a Black woman that she looks mixed as a form of endearment, he’s insinuating that her beauty comes from the (allegedly) non Black part of her. All they’re effectively saying is: You’re too beautiful to just be Black. Oh, but I am. We aren’t beautiful in spite of our Blackness, we are beautiful because of it. So don’t dare try to give the credit to anything else.” – Shayla Pierce
“It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognize, accept, and celebrate those differences.” –Audre LordeClick To Tweet
“When I get up and work out, I’m working out just as much for my girls as I am for me, because I want them to see a mother who loves them dearly, who invests in them, but who also invests in herself. It’s just as much about letting them know as young women that it is okay to put yourself a little higher on your priority list.” – Michelle Obama
Every individual is beautiful. Black women can be beautiful without using any external things like make up. You are naturally beautiful. As Shayla Pierce said in a quote above, “We aren’t beautiful in spite of our Blackness, we are beautiful because of it. So don’t dare try to give the credit to anything else”. Further up we have
Black Girl Quotes for Instagram.
Black Girl Quotes for Instagram
“I am not tragically colored. There is no great sorrow dammed up in my soul, nor lurking behind my eyes. . . . Even in the helter-skelter skirmish that is my life, I have seen that the world is to the strong regardless of a little pigmentation more or less. No, I do not weep at the world—I am too busy sharpening my oyster knife.” – Zora Neale Hurston
“My complexion had always been an obstacle to overcome and all of a sudden, Oprah was telling me it wasn’t. It was perplexing and I wanted to reject it because I had begun to enjoy the seduction of inadequacy. But a flower couldn’t help but bloom inside of me. When I saw Alek [Wek] I inadvertently saw a reflection of myself that I could not deny. Now, I had a spring in my step because I felt more seen, more appreciated by the far away gatekeepers of beauty, but around me the preference for light skin prevailed. To the beholders that I thought mattered, I was still unbeautiful. And my mother again would say to me, “You can’t eat beauty. It doesn’t feed you.” And these words plagued and bothered me; I didn’t really understand them until finally I realized that beauty was not a thing that I could acquire or consume, it was something that I just had to be.” – Lupita Nyong’o
If a black girl is being bullied because of her skin color then she has to recognize that fact that it is neither about the skin color nor about her hair. It is all about her soul that lives within her. Martin Luther King Jr. was a beautiful soul who dedicated his life for a cause. He is known to all the world because of his actions not for his skin color. Be the person nobody thought that you could be. Spread this message on Instagram with Black Girl Quotes for Instagram Further up we have Black Girl Quotes about Hair.
Black Girl Quotes about Hair
“My skin absorbs the suns rays and my hair defies gravity. You can’t tell me I’m not magical.” – UnknownClick To Tweet
“I am not my hair. I am not this skin. I am the soul that lives within.” – India.ArieClick To Tweet
“I love my hair because it’s a reflection of my soul. It’s dense, it’s kinky, it’s soft, it’s textured, it’s difficult, it’s easy and it’s fun. That’s why I love my hair.” - Tracee Ellis RossClick To Tweet
“I cried, I cried… it was such an emotional experience and it wasn’t just about hair. It was what my perception of beauty was and had been for all of my life and then I look at myself in the mirror and I’m like, ‘That doesn’t look like what I thought was beautiful.’”
–Teyonah Parris on her reaction to going natural
Do you know that your natural hair is like a blessing that all other girls wish for. These Black Girl Quotes about Hair say exactly the same. Your natural hair defy gravity and you should be proud of it because it is magical. People will try to talk you down to cut your hair or to use some products to straighten them. Tell them that it is not possible because you are proud of your hair. Further up we have, Black Girl Quotes About Guys.
Black Girl Quotes About Guys
“Black Girls… Strive to be a woman of substance! Don’t solely allow your big butt, thick thighs, wide hips, large breasts, and overall good looks to define you as a woman. Your looks alone shouldn’t define who you are. What more do you have to offer? What is your TRUE character? How is your attitude? What have you accomplished? Do you have respect for yourself? What do you represent? Everywhere you look, there’s another beautiful, stunning, fine looking sista. Stand out from the rest and dare to be different! Your good looks should only be a bonus, not the main factor. #RealTalk” ― Stephanie Lahart
“Black Girls… Until you get enough of what you’re going through, no matter what advice a person gives you, you’ll continue to go through the same thing. Constant arguing. Constant fighting. Constant lies. Constant disappointments. Constant emotional rollercoaster. Constant heartbreak. Constant headaches. Constant threats. Constantly fighting for his attention and love. Constantly looking through his phone. Constantly sneaking through his personal belongings. Constantly arguing and/or fighting with other women over who’s supposed to be YOUR mate. Secretly checking up on him due to a lack of trust. Listen, NOBODY is worth your inner peace! What I’ve listed above is NOT a relationship. It’s a toxic mess. So, what are you going to do?” ― Stephanie Lahart
“Don’t be so hard on yourself. Be perfectly okay with being who YOU are. Fully embrace yourself, flaws and all. Love yourself right where you are. Strive to do better, but don’t beat yourself up for every shortcoming that you may have. Be brave in your journey! Hold your head up high, and keep moving forward.”
― Stephanie Lahart
“Every woman needs these three things: Self-Esteem, Self-Love, and Self-Confidence. A female that possess all three is an empowered and unstoppable Queen. She knows her worth! Everything about her represents quality. Her happiness comes from within, first. She respects herself. She values who she is. She’s not easily impressed or persuaded by people or things. She has purpose and direction! An admirable being is what she is: Extraordinary and highly desirable. She’s an Unparalleled Woman.”
― Stephanie Lahart
You are beautiful, you are smart, you are intelligent. Men will try to take advantage of that. They will try to use you because of your beauty. Don’t let that happen and empower yourself by educating yourself. Don’t let just your good looks define you. If you are not treat properly then you need to make some changes in your life. If your boyfriend or your husband mistreats you then you have some changes to make. This is what these Black Girl Quotes About Guys mean. Let him treat you like that queen you are. Further up we have, Black Girl Quotes for Facebook.
Black Girl Quotes for Facebook
“When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.” – Audre LordeClick To Tweet
“Deal with yourself as an individual worthy of respect, and make everyone else deal with you the same way. ” – Nikki GiovanniClick To Tweet “Take responsibility for yourself because no one’s going to take responsibility for you. I’m not a victim. I grow from this and I learn.” – Tyra BanksClick To Tweet
“The times may have changed, but the people are still the same. We’re still looking for love, and that will always be our struggle as human beings.” – Halle BerryClick To Tweet
Be powerful, your greatest strength lies within you. If there is something that you want to achieve, you can do it without relying on others. Don’t let your skin tone come between you and your dreams. Don’t belittle yourself and don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do something.
Wrapping it up
Let me tell you that you are beautiful that way you are. If some tells you that you need to put some make up or use some fake hair to look beautiful then stop hanging out with them. If you have a boyfriend that says that you need to enhance your breasts to look more appealing then dump him right then and there. You need to realize your self worth. These Black Girl Quotes talk about it.
Educate yourself and empower yourself. Keep learning and achieve your dreams that you want to achieve. You don’t have to be the person who acts according to other people. Be yourself and Be beautiful as you are.
Hope you enjoyed the article. Share it if you liked it.
Be Strong. Be Beautiful. Be You.
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